THIS DIVINE TRUTH & COMMAND is the expression of God's Divine Truth as given to me as God's humble servant and HIS eliakim™ of HIS End-Time True Remnant™ & Holy True Christian™ Church ...
THIS DIVINE TRUTH & COMMAND is the expression of God's Divine Truth as given to me as God's humble servant and one of HIS True End-Time Apostles and THE APOSTOLIC PATRIARCH™ of The Apostolic Patriarchate of Cyprus & The East, whilst in the Cyprus See ...
THIS DIVINE TRUTH & COMMAND is for these End-Times and is applicable to today's Circumstances of the End-Time True Remnant™ & Holy True Christian™ Church (THE End-Time Body of Christ™), in its relationship to Our Saviour Yeshua (Jesus), its role in Salvation, its Polity, its Discipline, its Eschatology, it's Pastoral Life and ALL of its TRUE (via the Holy Spirit) Divinely Approved, Called, Anointed & Apostolically Ordained Leadership ...
THIS DIVINE TRUTH & COMMAND is being incarnated or applied to herein 'historically' and to the specific circumstances of our Current Global End-Time, Eschatalogical and Spiritual reality ...FOR SUCH TIMES AS THESE!
THIS DIVINE TRUTH & COMMAND is a Divine Canon Decree and as such is therefore 'incarnational' in the lives of ALL End-Time True Remnant™ Peoples and those of the Holy True Christian™ Faith & Peoples and in particular ...THIS HOLY CANON DECREE applies to ALL EASTERN ORTHODOX Believers and (Congregations) and LEADERSHIP as True Christians™ ...
I David, the most humble servant, an Apostle of Christ Jesus and the End-Time eliakim™ of the Sovereign Lord God Yahweh (YHWH) do hereby Declare this Divine Canon Decree to THE PENTARCHY™ being THE KINGS OF CYPRUS, ANTIOCH, JERUSALEM, ALEXANDRIA & OF CONSTANTINOPLE, TO THEIR COUNSELS & TO ALL PRIESTS & ALL OF THE FAITHFUL OF THEREOF ...
My Holy Brothers,
A Divine Canon Decree & Proclamation From Our Heavenly Father (YHWH)
The 7 Living Divine Decrees to the 7 Kings of Eastern Orthodoxy (The Pentarchy and the 2 Kings of Rus of Temporal & Spiritual Authority)